Vaughan Academy of Technology

Select Activity
Select Image Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
Cat in the Hat Performance AZ522-183 AZ522-183 Cat in the Hat Performance The students will be watching a performance of Dr. Seuss’s Cat in the Hat presented by the Children's Theatre of Charlotte. 0010b00002HJOQZAA5:Nations Ford Elementary FIXED Tyra,Parrish N/A N/A N/A $18.00
Damaged Technology Device AZ522-78 AZ522-78 Damaged Technology Device To pay for damage to technology devices including damage to keyboard and ports for Chromebooks, iPads, etc. 0010b00002HJOQZAA5:Nations Ford Elementary FIXED Melton,Jan N/A N/A N/A $15.00
Damaged technology device AZ522-86 AZ522-86 Damaged technology device damaged technology device, please add your child's name to purchasing notes so payment is credited to correct child 0010b00002HJOQZAA5:Nations Ford Elementary FIXED Quezada,Joanne 05 N/A N/A $15.00
Damaged technology device AZ522-VAR2 AZ522-VAR2 Damaged technology device Damaged technology device (charge is $15) 0010b00002HJOQZAA5:Nations Ford Elementary VARIABLE Foerster,Katie 03 N/A N/A $0.00
Lazy 5 Ranch 2nd Grade AZ522-182 AZ522-182 Lazy 5 Ranch 2nd Grade The students will participate in a one-of-a-kind opportunity that provides hands-on, face-to-face education. They will enjoy up-close and personal encounters with more than 750 exotic animals from six continents. Ride safari-style through this unique drive-through animal park and zoo with 3.5 miles of road on 185 acres. 0010b00002HJOQZAA5:Nations Ford Elementary FIXED Robinson,Angel N/A N/A N/A $20.00
Lazy 5 Ranch 3rd Grade AZ522-181 AZ522-181 Lazy 5 Ranch 3rd Grade The students will participate in a one-of-a-kind opportunity that provides hands-on, face-to-face education. They will enjoy up-close and personal encounters with more than 750 exotic animals from six continents. Ride safari-style through this unique drive-through animal park and zoo with 3.5 miles of road on 185 acres. 0010b00002HJOQZAA5:Nations Ford Elementary FIXED Aguilar,Isela N/A N/A N/A $20.00
Lost or Stolen Technology Device AZ522-79 AZ522-79 Lost or Stolen Technology Device To pay for lost or stolen technology device – Chromebooks, iPads, etc. 0010b00002HJOQZAA5:Nations Ford Elementary FIXED Melton,Jan N/A N/A N/A $50.00
Media Fees AZ522-VAR15 AZ522-VAR15 Media Fees Fees for lost library books 0010b00002HJOQZAA5:Nations Ford Elementary VARIABLE Browne,Juhn-luke N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Miscellaneous Technology – Lost Part of Tech Device AZ522-80 AZ522-80 Miscellaneous Technology – Lost Part of Tech Device To pay for lost part of technology device including cases, part of the power supply missing, etc. 0010b00002HJOQZAA5:Nations Ford Elementary FIXED Melton,Jan N/A N/A N/A $5.00
Sunshine Committee AZ522-VAR13 AZ522-VAR13 Sunshine Committee Socializing our DJV Staff Family. $25 for Admin/Teachers, $20 for TA's and other staff. 0010b00002HJOQZAA5:Nations Ford Elementary VARIABLE Thompson,Jennifer N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Technology chargers AZ522-77 AZ522-77 Technology chargers To pay for lost or damaged charging cords for technology devices including Chromebooks, iPads, etc. 0010b00002HJOQZAA5:Nations Ford Elementary FIXED Melton,Jan N/A N/A N/A $10.00
Technology Replacement AZ522-154 AZ522-154 Technology Replacement For devices damaged beyond repair. 0010b00002HJOQZAA5:Nations Ford Elementary FIXED Sims,Labrya N/A N/A N/A $50.00
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